Cover Logofolio Marco Pascoli Brand Designer


Archivio personale di lavori svolti durante il periodo 2021-2022, principalmente lavori di brand design e comunicazione per diverse tipologie di progetto.
Questa raccolta serve a dare un'idea del diverso ventaglio di soluzioni con cui ho avuto il piacere di confrontarmi.

Brand Design & social media design project for Fame, podcasting communication agency specialized in B2B marketing - LOGO DESIGN

Brand Design & Social Media Communication

FAME - B2B Podcasting Agency


Fame, a globally distributed marketing agency specialized in B2B podcasting.
They define strategy, find and book guests, train your host, produce the audio, promote the show, and much more!


  • Logo Design
  • Secondary Logo Design
  • BrandMark
  • Social Media Template
  • Stikers
  • Graphic Assetts for ADS



Brand Design & social media design project for Fame, podcasting communication agency specialized in B2B marketing - LOGO VARIATIONS
Brand Design & social media design project for Fame, podcasting communication agency specialized in B2B marketing SOCIAL MEDIA ASSETTS
Placement WholeSale Broker - Logo design

Brand Design & Social Media Communication

Placement Wholesale Broker


Placement, an indipendent insurance broker that connects the UK market to the italian insurance landscape.


  • Logo Design
  • Secondary Logo Design
  • BrandMark
  • Stationery
  • Website Design (design only)
  • Brand Assetts



Placement WholeSale Broker - Logo design & variations for an insurance broker